Be willing to, and the power follows, so I am willing to tune in, be a tuning fork and translate this divine message of this less dense part of us that wishes to be recognized is plural they wish to be recognized , , we are often told to lift our heads upward, to the heavens yet it is a symbol for lifting the energy focus upward to the crown chakra, that lifts us up into who we truly are, and taking residence here, not to leave but to extend and regain that which has always been, always always.
And what is then experienced here is good, a shower of calm, and prescence. She, who is writing this, was in a twirl, not here but back there and in the future. And as she writes she is settling into this new moment. For from here our awareness can be in the center of our, each our own universe, and choose not to be pulled out hither and tither. It is like resetting the steering wheel to be steered by love. She is waiting to feel this. The body takes a bit longer to feel, while spirit is instantaneous. Breathe, yes you are only love, yet can forget. The reminding is the practise. Each of us have our own tuning fork, , like no one else. As you experience this more, it is a bit whoobly, to be around the other tuning forks, there can be effort, to find where you belong, a memory of kindergarten might seek to be relived, but this is not the kindergarten of now. There is no getting any where, nothing to learn, , just being. And practicing here, is remembering coming back to this. The idea that you can remain in your own love, while another is also in their own love is very important, because as you honor your own love, it is natural to honor that in other - while of course it may look very different - don't we all have so many different vibrations of love happening at different times, the music we make - it is the celestial music - for those with ears to hear - it is infinite beauty. That is all for today. |
MOMENT BY MOMENTAuthorI am an appreciator. I love to have spiritually deep conversations - Archives
January 2025