During an intuitive conversation with someone who was facing a new opportunity filled with new growth, the conversation was clothed in past ways of seeing and experiencing how to deal with situations - we always are doing the best we can - yet we are evolving quite rapidly and can update - this is what I like to help people do -
I was seeing a new step of having support from other people with this new situation, yet her previous experiences were messaging her with " I can't trust people, I've been screwed before. So she was sleuthing out the most fully armed sort of professional to get the job done. Sort of a mirror to how she was holding her own energy of I am a victim and need major protection. As I continued to help her let go the burdens she did not know consciously she was carrying, her true self emerged more and more. Now the clarity and beauty of her being gained in occupying more of her space. Now I was seeing instead of her needing to look for a particular person who could help her, it was more about her new vibration - her beauty - and as she owned that vibration, the people around her who were right to assist her would show up, sort of like a magnet. Who wouldn't want to have a hello on that level of being, and get your mutual needs met. Do you experience this at all in your life? Or does this illicit some thoughts to share? I love to hear from you, Jill
While I was doing my Tai Chi in the park today, it occurred to me that the brain is able to regenerate, to learn new things. I know this is common knowledge in the science world, yet I have a brain injury and are experiencing this from the inside out, yet also I caught a higher glimpse on a more objective level.
A little girl came shooting down the path strapped into her roller blades, winding along the paths. Then another girl came along. I wonder if this is part of their school day, perhaps home schooled. What are we choosing to learn with our brains? Do we realize we have a choice? How much of what is presented to be learned is actually using the full capacity of the creativity, awareness, abilities and information we have as Souls incarnating? You could create a guage,, like a gas guage from 11 to 100, and just ask for the gauge to move to a number that represents how much of your capacity you are engaging. Coming from a compassionate space is helpful here. Then create a grounding cord on that guage, that drains out what ever is between your number and 100. Now give yourself permission to recognize the areas that your soul is really jazzed about. Perhaps keep a journal of these musings, or put a star in your day timer to remind you of when you have been in your soul flow. Maybe it is just a minute, now and then, yet what we pay attention to grows. This is the dark of the new moon, a time to plant new seeds. Did this post bring anything up for you? I love to hear from you! In joy Jill Give yourself approval. Whatever you see of yourself, however you feel right now, give yourself approval for being that way and decide that you are happy the way you are, the way life is for you.
“Happiness Isn’t A Goal, It’s the Beginning” teleseminar by Michael J Tamura 4.14.10 |
MOMENT BY MOMENTAuthorI am an appreciator. I love to have spiritually deep conversations - Archives
January 2025