Choosing to be willing, creates a receptive space to allow....
I knew I was stuck, I did not know how to let go (accept) a deep pattern, I could hardly look at, but something knew it was time. I became willing, ( there is a 12 step quote "became willing to make amends to those we had hurt, I always thought it was other people , then I read it is first for us - this made a big difference for me then where the process led... I was ready to admit feelings I have stuffed, and to express them, move them out. I sometimes think - forgive - but we need to feel the feelings too sometimes, get out of denial, accept that we have been hurt (oh I have such pride that keeps me from there _ not good for the health) then to own it, and claim that I do not deserve to be treated like this, this is my self love and care coming through for me, let the pain and anger move out and then be in a new space. This is a practice, I am still learning. How are you with this sort of thing
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MOMENT BY MOMENTAuthorI am an appreciator. I love to have spiritually deep conversations - Archives
January 2025